About Forced Trajectory Project (FTP)

forced, adj. imposed
trajectory, noun. path

Forced Trajectory Project (FTP) is a media, public relations and advocacy organization that began in 2009, documenting the rippling effects police violence has on communities beginning with the families who have lost their loved ones to police murder. Utilizing moving pictures, stills, and sound, the project’s goal is to paint an intimate and accurate portrait of the “forced trajectory” these family members find themselves on after their loved one is killed.

What began as a photojournalism project to bring attention to the aftermath of police violence and the experience of police homicide survivors, has expanded into an independent media outlet reporting on the issue of police violence and the impact it has on affected families and communities. FTP aims to uplift frontline community voices and dispel the myths that surround use-of-force and American policing.

FTP has won numerous awards and recognitions including the 2015 Oral History Association Emerging Crisis Grant, 2015 Spotlight Project at the Groundswell Network Gathering, 2016 Long Island Unitarian Universalist Grant for Social Change, 2015-2016 Ford Foundation JustFilms Travel Grant, 2016 Honorable Mention in a juried exhibition at the Left of Center Gallery, 2018 Resist General Support Grant, Best Documentary in the 2018 NSAEN Online Film Festival, 2019 Resist General Support Grant, 2020 Awesome Without Borders Grant, and the 2021 Nevada Humanities Project Grant.

FTP is one of the only organizations that continuously documents and archives the impact of state-sanctioned violence. It has been exhibited in multiple cities across the country including Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Oakland, and Las Vegas.


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