Anjali Sawhney, MBA,
Certified Integral Life Coach, and Leadership Embodiment Teacher, has had three successful career shifts, infertility and parenting challenges, as well as significant cultural, spiritual, and relationship transitions. She is also a passionate advocate for social justice and human rights.


What is Somatic-Integral Coaching

Somatic Coaching uncovers energetic patterning in the body under stress. This reveals reactive behavior when actual content is not present. You will become aware of unskillful, yet habitual patterns in your being, thus allowing for shifts to a wider range of options. You will be better able to respond to life and its significant changes.

Integral Coaching means nothing is left out. We will cover the emotional, cognitive, relational, spiritual, somatic realms and how they integrate for growth and transformation.


Who is Somatic- Integral Coaching for?

Those of you going through significant internal-external transitions to include  career, cultural, relationship, health, spiritual and family changes will greatly benefit from this coaching.

We work out of my Southern Marin and Cow Hollow San Francisco Offices where on-going workshops are also held. It is also possible to have sessions in your home or office for particular constraints.